Questions on libertas driver

Cyril HAENEL chaenel at
Wed Jan 23 12:02:21 EST 2008


Thank you very much, I am very interested by your working sources 
snapshot. I use BF537 but there will be no difference. What ucLinux 
version do you use, and on which kernel it is based ?

Best regards,

Vladimir Davydov a écrit :

>Hello Cyril,
>I have working version of the libertas driver for the  blackfin (BF533). 
>I have fixed all memory alligments crashes what I found. Most of these patches 
>are allready applied in the libertas tree.
>I can give you the snapshot of sources if you want.
>Best regards,
>>Holger, I  answer below :
>>Holger Schurig a écrit :
>>>>I sent some message some month ago about implementing libertas
>>>>driver in a blackfin processor based board.
>>>>After that my idea was to use the last libertas sources, I got
>>>>it in the 2.6.24RC1, but there was error during compilation
>>>>because the libertas source included in the 2.6.24RC1 uses
>>>>kernel functions that are not present in my 2.6.19 kernel.
>>>And you cannot use 2.6.24rc on your Blackfin?  Aren't all needed
>>>patches for Blackfin upstream?
>>>Which function exactly isn't in 2.6.19 ?
>>In fact the ucLinux distribution I use implement a kernel, which is the
>>2.6.19. Maybe I can replace it by a 2.6.24 and it will works, but I
>>asked ucLinux for blackin mainteners and they are unsure, and they
>>advised me to stay on the 2.6.19 until they implement themselves the
>>last official kernel version in the ucLinux distribution.
>>>>Today I come back on this project, and I want to restart from
>>>>the latest libertas sources. But since some month, I see a
>>>>very very big quantity of patch on the mailing list. Can I
>>>>find somewhere the last libertas tree which include all the
>>>>patch ?
>>>Yes, it's in the wireless-2.6 git tree, branch everything.
>>>$ git clone
>>>git:// $
>>>cd wireless-2.6
>>>$ git checkout -b everything origin/everything
>>>IF you already have a recent git tree checkout, you can speed up
>>>this tremendously by using "--reference DIRECTORY--GIT-TREE"
>>>on the "git clone" command.
>>Great, thank you for that ! I will be able to use the last libertas
>>sources when the last official kernel will be used in the ucLinux
>>For now I work with older libertas sources which compile OK with the
>>2.6.19 kernel version of the ucLinux distribution.
>>>>Other question, when the libertas_cs.ko module is loaded, and
>>>>firmware downloaded, eth0 appear when I do "ifconfig eth0 up",
>>>>but how can I set the wireless parameters ?
>>>With "iwconfig" from wireless-tools.
>>I found the problem, see below
>>>$ ifconfig eth0 up
>>>$ iwconfig eth0 essid BLAH
>>>$ iwconfig eth0 key s:12345
>>>This assumes that you have an access-point with ESSID "BLAH"
>>>and the Web-Key "12345" around (very insecure). If you want
>>>WPA/WPA2, you'd need wpasupplicant.
>>>After a second or so, another call to
>>>$ iwconfig
>>>shows you to which AP you're associated.
>>>>Habitually I use iwconfig, but it's not working with this
>>>>card, iwconfig tell me that eth0 doesn't have wireless
>>>Maybe it's not named eth0 because of some dump udev rename
>>>rules?  Be assured that "iwconfig" works quite nicely with
>>>libertas. I, for example, have this entry in my
>>>/etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules file:
>>>SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTRS{address}=="00:16:41:72:f6:a8",
>>>Be sure that you don't have clashes with other devices.
>>>Maybe "ifconfig -a" before inserting the card can help you
>>>here. Or try "iwconfig" without any parameters. This will
>>>show you which 'ethernet' devices support wireless extensions.
>>In fact with the libertas driver version I use, when I type iwconfig, it
>>say me that eth0 (the only card) have no wireless extension.
>>Thus I looked in the source code and I found the problem :
>>In fact the pointers to wireless extension functions was commented :
>>#ifdef  WIRELESS_EXT
>>///     dev->wireless_handlers = (struct iw_handler_def
>>#ifdef  WIRELESS_EXT
>>///     mesh_dev->wireless_handlers = (struct iw_handler_def
>>Thus I changed this to :
>>//#ifdef  WIRELESS_EXT
>>     dev->wireless_handlers = (struct iw_handler_def
>>//#ifdef  WIRELESS_EXT
>>     mesh_dev->wireless_handlers = (struct iw_handler_def
>>And now iwconfig eth0 works.
>>Now I try to connect on the AP but I have a kernel panic with non
>>aligned data, but I already know the problem, I think I know how to
>>solve the problem.
>>>>Must I use specifics tools to configure the wireless
>>>>parameters of the card (essid, etc...) ?
>>>PS: As a hint, write new messages, don't use the "reply" button of your
>>>e-mail program to start a new thread.
>>Oops, I am sorry.
>>libertas-dev mailing list
>>libertas-dev at


Cyril Haenel
Registered Linux User #332632

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