[PATCH] Added Brand->Clip RDF parsing

fs ck fsckemail at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 15:33:40 EDT 2011


I just committed a patch for parsing RDF where Brand has a clip
instead of an episode. It is handled in the same way as episodes but
of course there is no concept of a series.

I needed this to download Reading Festival clips from the BBC which
seemed impossible to get using the pid RDF parser since there was no
series or episode under the brand.

e.g. p00k2xg5 (while it remains) -> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00k2xg5.rdf

This contained:

<po:Clip rdf:about="/programmes/p00k2xg5#programme">
  <dc:title>Discopolis - Reading Festival Highlights</dc:title>
  <po:short_synopsis>Watch highlights of Discopolis performing on the
BBC Introducing Stage at Reading Festival 2011.</po:short_synopsis>
  <po:medium_synopsis>Watch highlights of Discopolis performing on the
BBC Introducing Stage at Reading Festival 2011.</po:medium_synopsis>
  <po:long_synopsis>Watch highlights of Discopolis performing on the
BBC Introducing Stage at Reading Festival 2011.</po:long_synopsis>
  <po:genre rdf:resource="/programmes/genres/music/rockandindie#genre" />
  <po:format rdf:resource="/programmes/formats/performancesandevents#format" />
  <po:version rdf:resource="/programmes/p00k2xg7#programme" />

<po:Brand rdf:about="/programmes/b007xt4m#programme">
  <po:clip rdf:resource="/programmes/p00k2xg5#programme"/>

- fs

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