Multi-Vif for Nexus 4

Gucea Doru gucea.doru at
Wed Aug 19 13:42:28 PDT 2015

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 9:22 PM, Eugene Krasnikov <k.eugene.e at> wrote:
> The API to the firnwared does support multiple interfaces so you
> should be able to create multiple interfaces.

Could you please point me out the files where I should look for the
API exposed by the firmware?

> At least for the simple
> usecases like connect to the AP and send data. But the firmware is
> closed source so we do not have access to it.

>From an architectural point of view, could you please show me the
files and key functions that I use?
I assume that you are familiar with the driver architecture and you
could guide me for writing my first patch for wcn36xx.

Best regards,

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