Sending SIGHUP Signal to Cardmgr

Nathan M ngmlinux at
Sat Feb 25 13:16:23 EST 2006

I am looking for a way to send a SIGHUP command to Cardmgr from a shell line.

I have a card that does not initialize properly and need to manually
issue the following sequence of commands in cardinfo to get it

1. Reset (reset under socket selector, not the other reset)
2. Eject
3. Insert

I would like to automate this process from a shell script and I
believe I know how for parts 2 and 3.

1. ?
2. cardctl eject 0
3. cardctl insert 0

I'm not sure how to send that first reset command.  The cardctl reset
command is not what I'm  looking for, I need to send a SIGHUP signal
to cardmgr (like the reset button under the socket selector does). 
Anyone know how to do this?



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