[PATCH 3/5] mtd: spi-nor: spansion: Add MCP support in octal_dtr_enable()

Michael Walle michael at walle.cc
Mon Jul 17 15:49:39 PDT 2023

Hi Takahiro, Hi Miquel,

> S28HS02GT is multi-chip package (MCP) device that requires Octal DTR
> configuraion for each die. We can access to configuration registers in 
> each
> die by using params->n_dice and params->vreg_offset[] populated from 

I'm looking into cleaning up the flash db and come across the n_banks
and n_dice parameter. Which sounds like they seem to be similar, maybe
identical? Unfortunately, there is no public datasheet for the macronix
flash.. IIRC there is one for the Semperflashes but I'm not sure if 
is one for the MCP parts.
Could we somehow clarify if these are the same properties? I've looked 
the SFDP tables of the macronix flash and they don't have the SCCR map 
multi chip devices :/


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