pxa:spitz_pm.c: commit b6eede11 breaks spitz resume under certain conditions.

Marko Katić dromede at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 05:28:14 EDT 2012

> Almost there, but I guess we could do this better and less confusing by having
> another array, e.g. tosa_gpio18_config[], which is tosa specific, and only
> initialize that MFP setting in the tosa path.
>> I also looked at the original sharp kernel sources.
>> Only tosa used the RDY signal for it's tc6393tx chip, other machines simply
>> configured gpio18 as output in their suspend routines.

Actually, tosa doesn't use sharpsl_pm. Tosa uses the pda-power framework.
I said that only tosa uses the RDY signal to point out that we
probably don't need
the mfp-config line in postsuspend. That being said, i still think
that the array ordering
fix is adequate. Maybe later we may remove the mfp-config line from
postsuspend when
we're absolutely sure it isn't necessary for devices that use spitz_pm.c.

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