[LEDE-DEV] OpenWRT Quantenna radio driver for Netgear Nighthawk X4 R7500 (Tested on Designated Driver r49274)

Patrick Martin patrick.martin.r at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 14:07:05 PST 2017

<this file is a combined resend to the message list of two emails as
they failed the first time, the recipients who received the original
message are: francesco dot borromini at inventati dot org >
The files this package uses all were either written from scratch or
are from a Netgear open source release, the Quantenna wifi card
actually runs its own Linux distribution which means its internal
software is open source (it's a weird wifi card). Also all of the
license headers on the Quantenna proprietary code reads that the
vendor using the card in their hardware may relicense and release the
specific version of the code they are using as open source which is
what Netgear did. Also I put the project on GitHub. I'm currently
reworking the naming of the scripts and packages to reflect the fact
that this driver is for the Quantenna QTS1000 chipset when setup in
PCIE configuration only. I'm also getting ready to add an optional
package that will provide a .so file containing a backend for iwinfo.
Before this driver gets submitted I will
also submit a patch for iwinfo to allow loading backends from .so
files. I will also submit these patches to OpenWRT as well.

GitHub Repo:

Original Netgear Open Source Release that code was sourced from:


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