[LEDE-DEV] Talks between OpenWrt and LEDE

David Lang david at lang.hm
Thu Jan 5 21:37:02 PST 2017

On Fri, 6 Jan 2017, Daniel (bovi) Bovensiepen wrote:

>> As part of this those I'm thinking that having a more
>> 'commercial-quality' flavour and a more 'community' flavour branches
>> would be useful.
> Could I make one remark concerning this: I fully understand from a review and 
> quality point of view the current way of providing patches to LEDE or OpenWRT 
> via E-Mail. In case that there would be ever a split between 
> "commercial-grade" and "community-grade" version, is it possible to consider a 
> contribution way via GitLab or Github for the community grade one? From 
> experience in the Ruby community I can guarantee that the contribution level 
> will increase dramatically. At the same time the quality of individual 
> contributions will slightly go down but this is compensated by the quantity of 
> new minds joining the contributor club.

LEDE is already accepting pull requests via github

But I think everyone is saying there won't be a 'commercial' vs 'community' 
split. There will be 'stable' vs tip-of-development, but that's it.

David Lang

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