WPA-PSK : Ignore event for foreign ifindex 7

Panagiotis Georgopoulos panos
Wed May 12 02:48:14 PDT 2010

Dear all,


                I have a hostapd configuration that accepts clients
connecting with different ways (WPA-PSK, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS). On my WPA-PSK
client at some point I start seeing the following debug output and I realize
that I cannot reach the access point (pings fail), although I do have an IP
on my wireless interface and iwconfing reports that I am associated with the
AP (nb. I am using madwifi drivers)


Ignore event for foreign ifindex 7

Ignore event for foreign ifindex 7

Ignore event for foreign ifindex 7

Ignore event for foreign ifindex 7

Ignore event for foreign ifindex 7



If I restart wpa_supplicant connection is restored (as you might have
guessed I don't want to do that every time). Does anyone know what is wrong
and how can I correct this problem? What does the above error mean?


Thanks in advance,


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