no more hslv format ?

Ralph Corderoy ralph at
Tue May 1 04:31:38 PDT 2018

Hi Jim,

> I've been discussing the 'loss' of the 1280x720 25fps version with
> someone at the BBC.

I miss those 1 GiB ~= 1 hour ones too.  They were `just right'.

> It has also set me wondering about arranging for gip to fetch to ram
> storage and then convert that into a file on my main disc.

Is this Linux?  get_iplayer here uses the current working directory for
all its large intermediate files.  If that was a `tmpfs' filesystem then
they would all sit in RAM, unless you've swap space and pressure caused
pages from the filesystem to be swapped out.

You could use get_iplayer's --command option to run a command to move
each final file off tmpfs as the download is finished.  Its --output
affects all the intermediate files too, AIUI.

Cheers, Ralph.

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