Unable to refresh

RS richard22j at zoho.com
Thu Mar 22 12:25:14 PDT 2018

On 22/03/18 18:24, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Hi Richard,
>> Am I doing something stupid, or is there a problem refreshing the cache?
> ...
>> get_player .* --since 70
>> shows 67 programmes
> If you are typing `get_player .* --since 70' into a Linux shell then it
> will glob the `.*' and replace it with the expansion, e.g. `. ..',
> unless it's quoted.  I don't see how that will be affecting your lack of
> additions in the last 60 hours, but it clouds the problem.  If you are
> quoting it, then paste what you run to stop wasting our time.  :-)
> This will show when PIDs were added to your cache, in order.
>      sort -t\| -k16,16n -k1,1 ~/.get_iplayer/tv.cache |
>      gawk -F\| '
> 	!/^#/ {
> 	    print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T %z %a", $16, 1) "  " $4 "  " $3
> 	}
>      '
Hi Ralph

Sorry if I've got the command wrong.

get_iplayer .* --since 70
get_iplayer '.*' --since 70
get_iplayer ".*" --since 70

all give 67 programmes

I don't know how to insert your left back quote ` in a Linux Terminal.

I need to go back to the documentation to check what the correct format 
is to use with --since

Anyway Geoff Smith has confirmed there is a problem because the layout 
of the schedule pages has changed.

Best wishes

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