Unable to refresh

Ralph Corderoy ralph at inputplus.co.uk
Thu Mar 22 11:24:06 PDT 2018

Hi Richard,

> Am I doing something stupid, or is there a problem refreshing the cache?
> get_player .* --since 70
> shows 67 programmes

If you are typing `get_player .* --since 70' into a Linux shell then it
will glob the `.*' and replace it with the expansion, e.g. `. ..',
unless it's quoted.  I don't see how that will be affecting your lack of
additions in the last 60 hours, but it clouds the problem.  If you are
quoting it, then paste what you run to stop wasting our time.  :-)

This will show when PIDs were added to your cache, in order.

    sort -t\| -k16,16n -k1,1 ~/.get_iplayer/tv.cache |
    gawk -F\| '
	!/^#/ {
	    print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T %z %a", $16, 1) "  " $4 "  " $3

Cheers, Ralph.

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