Quacks - iPlayer release before broadcast

Ralph Corderoy ralph at inputplus.co.uk
Mon Aug 21 06:04:01 PDT 2017

Hi RS,

> Any thoughts?

I've lost the plot a bit.  You're saying that your tv.cache contains all
the episodes of _Quacks_ and that you can download any of them now if
you explicitly give the --pid $pid?  Episode two here says it's
available tomorrow, but if it could be downloaded now then you need a
way to ignore that `available' time.

    $ ofpl() { sed -n "$1"'s/|/\n/gp' tv.cache | sed '18d; 12d; 7d'; }
    $ paste <(ofpl 1) <(ofpl /p0596hyk/) <(ofpl /p0596k27/) |
    > expand -27
    #index                     6749                       6750
    type                       tv                         tv
    name                       Quacks: Series 1           Quacks: Series 1
    pid                        p0596hyk                   p0596k27
    available                  2017-08-15T22:00:00+01:00  2017-08-22T22:00:00+01:00
    expires                    1505422800                 1506027600
    seriesnum                  1                          1
    episodenum                 1                          2
    versions                   default                    default
    duration                   1800                       1800
    channel                    BBC Two                    BBC Two
    timeadded                  1502108533                 1502702138

    $ for d in 1505422800 1506027600 1502108533 1502702138; do
    >     date -d @$d
    > done
    2017-09-14 22:00:00 +0100 Thu
    2017-09-21 22:00:00 +0100 Thu
    2017-08-07 13:22:13 +0100 Mon
    2017-08-14 10:15:38 +0100 Mon

Cheers, Ralph.

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