TV Cache missing some days

Vangelis forthnet northmedia1 at
Tue Nov 15 11:47:53 PST 2016

On Tue Nov 15 13:12:06 GMT 2016, Derek Kaye wrote: 

> I am using get iplayer 2.97, and for some reason 
> I am missing the 12th and 13th November in my tv.cache file.
> $ grep '2016-11-13' ~/.get_iplayer/tv.cache
> returns nothing. 

Hi - not familiar with Linux (Windows here), but I gather 
your command parses your local tv.cache file (actually the 
"available" column) for string "2016-11-13". 

My recently updated tv.cache file does, indeed, contain 
entries for both "2016-11-13" (137) & "2016-11-14" (128), 
so at least we know it's not an upstream issue with the schedule feeds...

I don't have any ideas TBH, make sure your local tv.cache file 
is not corrupt and writeable and perhaps try a forced tv cache refresh: 

get_iplayer --type=tv -f --force

Given that your missing dates are only 3 and 2 days ago, 
the above command, as you say, should fix the missing entries. 

 Not that it matters, but you could build yourself a fresh 30day 
tv.cache via issuing: 

get_iplayer --type=tv -f --force --refresh-limit-tv=30 

Hopefully some Linux user may shed some more light...


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