TV Cache missing some days

Derek Kaye dezza at
Tue Nov 15 05:12:06 PST 2016

Hi All,

Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, I couldn't see anything
in the recent mailings or on the FAQ.

I am using get iplayer 2.97, and for some reason I am missing the 12th
and 13th November in my tv.cache file.

$ grep '2016-11-13' ~/.get_iplayer/tv.cache

returns nothing. The same command with '2016-11-11' or '2016-11-14'
does return values.

I did have an Internet outage at that time, so that may be related,
however my understanding from the documentation is that when a cache
refresh happens, the last week is indexed, so this period should have
been filled in.

> get_iplayer does NOT index 30 days of programme listings every time the cache is updated - it
> indexes no further back than the beginning of the previous calendar week. This means that you
> must update your cache each calendar week for a month after installation in order to build up a
> full 30 days of programme data. From then on, the 30-day buffer should be maintained as long
> as you update the cache at least once per calendar week.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? There doesn't seem to be
any options to do a cache refresh for a specific day.

I can get the programmes I want by pid, but my saved searches for
those days are obviously not returning any results.

Best regards


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