hlshd download speeds

James Scholes james at jls-radio.com
Mon Jul 11 07:35:56 PDT 2016

RS wrote:
> The release of v2.95 seems to have had quite an impact on hlshd download
> speeds.

This is probably caused by the switch to using a built-in HLS/DASH
downloader, rather than FFmpeg.  I haven't looked at FFmpeg's download
code, but I would imagine it is multithreaded, downloading several HLS
chunks at once before reassembling them.  get_iplayer, on the other
hand, downloads chunks sequencially, one after the other, and as each
chunk is only 10 seconds long, there isn't time to really ramp up the
download speed.  I recommend filing this as an issue on the bug tracker
or posting about it on the forum, as it would greatly decrease download
James Scholes

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