Audio/Video Out of Sync

Jim web web at
Wed Aug 17 05:17:46 PDT 2016

In article <1CF29C0BD25A48F5A6104EEDFD6C635F at RJCDESK>, RS
<richard22j at> wrote:
> >From: Jim web Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 10:03

> >> Yes, that may be what's happening. I am using a relatively old LTS
> >> version of Mint. I don't want to upgrade distro juts for this, so
> >> I'll see if I can update either VLC or avconv.

> Is this from
> a repeat of the same information, or is it a new gloss on it?

> "There is one very important limitation: Downloads from Video Factory
> streams cannot be re-muxed to MP4 by avconv or ffmpeg <2.5. Only ffmpeg
> 2.5+ appears to work. 

I'll need to check what version of avconv/ffmpeg is installed on my
relevant machine. However it has reprocessed all the gip fetches since
install. And - until I started with the 50fps files obtained using hcfhd -
the results all play fine with VLC.

> As for the missing segments error, b0377vl5 still has lots of missing
> segments, 63, 64, 69, 73, 80 ... in HLShd1, but that's quite old. 
> b07pmyd6 in HLShd1 from last night has errors at 124, 129, 152, 184 ...

I don't know from the pid when b07pmyd6 was broadcast or put on-server. Was
that last night? If so, it looks like the fix hasn't been done yet, or
hasn't worked. I'll ask someone about it... but note that they in turn have
to refer though others. 


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

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