Audio/Video Out of Sync

Jim web web at
Tue Aug 16 01:28:04 PDT 2016

In article <887A76E5507D40D498F63F902B02CA7A at RJCDESK>, RS
<richard22j at> wrote:
> >From: Jim web Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 17:59

> >This morning I used the 'best' option, but it now occurs to me: Does
> >that no longer use the 'flash' mode? I just tried a couple of fetches
> >explicitly specifying 'flash' and they fetched OK, as I was getting
> >until the last few days.

> I think what has caused confusion is that the transition from v2.94 to
> v2.95 made several changes at the same time.

> HLS  and HVF support were added. The default was changed from Flash to
> HLS. The default was changed from better to best. Some of the changes
> such as HLS support may have been in the development version you used
> while others were not.

Yes. My apologies for missing this change. It meant that what I wrote about
the 'flash mode' results yesterday was wrong.

> To be certain of what you are testing you need to specify the mode
> explicitly such as --tvmode=flashhd or --tvmode=flashvhigh or
> --tvmode=hvfvhigh or --tvmode=hlshd

That raises a question about the optimum fallback when a mode isn't
available for a given file.

In some cases when I tried 'hvfhd' I was told that wasn't available. (This
is for some of the 'section' files from Proms.) I was then wondering about
what 'sequence' of modes would be best for finding the 'best available'
version. (And also dodging problems like the current ones.)

e.g. having something like  --tvmode=hvfhd1,hvfhd2,hlshd,...

I've not yet tried the lower res hvf so don't know how it compares with the


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

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