Olympics Might be hvf Only

RS richard22j at zoho.com
Tue Aug 9 04:09:11 PDT 2016

From: RS
Sent: Monday, August 8, 2016 15:52

> Thanks Majid and Jim.  Putting that in
> --url "http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/live/olympics/36654223"
> with --tvmode hvf does indeed seem to work.  I went down to hvfsd and then 
> to hvfvhigh which brings the bit rate down to about 2Mbit/s.

I managed to record 1h45min with
--url "http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/live/olympics/36654223" --tvmode hvfvhigh
before my computer went into sleep mode.  When it came out of sleep mode it 
transcoded the .ts to .mp4, and I was able to play it with VLC.

About 1h40min after the coverage ended I tried the same command again.  I 
only got 4min20s from 5 hours of coverage, so I am going to have to think 
again to be able to download any sort of catch up.

I then noticed the Sunday Times had a schedule of coverage.  For yesterday 
it showed BBC Red Button 1 to 6 and BBC Olympics 1 to 22.  I guess these 
channels must be on the BBC Sport website, because there are only 8 HD and 8 
SD BBC Olympics satellite channels even if you can manage to find them.  BBC 
Red Button 6 and BBC Olympics 15 were showing the same as I had been 
watching and recording on the BBC RB1 satellite channel, but today 
everything is different.

I then saw that the Sunday Times was saying there had been out of hours 
coverage on BBC4 from 1pm to 4pm of the eventing cross-country.  That seemed 
a bit surprising since the cross-country did not start until 2pm and went on 
to 7.05pm.  I downloaded it in HLSHD.  In 3 hours of coverage I got 7 
Segment not found errors.  I skipped through it and found it was mostly 
swimming and hockey.  There was just 15min of eventing near the end.

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