episode oddity

Jim web web at audiomisc.co.uk
Wed Aug 3 07:54:50 PDT 2016

I encountered this problem again this morning. This time for two programmes
with the pids b0085b0s and b07n2hmt. As before my usual hls fetch method
ended prematurely without gip reporting any actual errors. But using 

--type=tv --mode=best

then worked for both. Albeit rather more slowly than my using method.

I'm currently using the linux gip (Jan develop version 2.95) Should the
current release version accept the same options? I'll get it and give it a
try, but am wondering if I'll need to change the way I specify getting the
best hdtv via hls.


Electronics  http://www.st-and.ac.uk/~www_pa/Scots_Guide/intro/electron.htm
Armstrong Audio  http://www.audiomisc.co.uk/Armstrong/armstrong.html
Audio Misc  http://www.audiomisc.co.uk/index.html

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