WARNING: rtmpdump/flvstreamer 1.8 or later is required - please upgrade

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 18:05:29 EST 2013

On 08/03/2013 21:49, conrad1on wrote:
> Sorry about the relative lack of info in my previous message; in my defence, this was a problem I encountered at very much the wrong end of my day, and I think I was probably more preoccupied with remembering how to successfully post a message here anyway.
> OS: Windows 7 Home Premium (Service Pack 1)
> get_iplayer version: 2.82
> I get my copy of get_iplayer from the Windows download link on the front page here, and the copy of RTMPDump I tried was from here: http://www.videohelp.com/tools/RTMPDump. I installed it over the existing RTMPDump files in the get_iplayer folder in Program Files (x86).
> Here's a copy of my options from the .get_iplayer folder in my own Windows User folder:
> output C:\Users\<username>\Downloads\Get iPlayer Downloads
> mmsnothread 1
> nopurge 1
> mplayer .\MPlayer\MPlayer-1.0rc2\mplayer.exe
> lame .\LAME\lame.exe
> ffmpeg .\FFmpeg\ffmpeg-0.8-win32-static\bin\ffmpeg.exe
> vlc .\VLC\vlc-1.1.11\vlc.exe
> flvstreamer .\RTMPDump\rtmpdump.exe
> atomicparsley .\AtomicParsley\AtomicParsley\AtomicParsley.exe
> radiomode iphone,flashaudio,flashaachigh,flashaacstd
> tvmode flashvhigh
> I've reinstalled get_iplayer twice now, but I'm still getting the same issue. I assume this is localised to just me, given the lack of other people chiming in claiming to have the same problem, but I'm damned if I know what might have caused it.

Check C:\Program Files\get_iplayer\RTMPDump in Windows Explorer.  Do you 
see a "Compatibility Files" button in the toolbar?  If so, then you've 
fallen afoul of filesystem virtualisation and your new rtmpdump went 
into your virtual store.  I'm not sure how that may have happened, but 
it's one possible explanation for a missing rtmpdump.

Whether or not you've been bitten by filesystem virtualisation, do a 
full uninstall of get_iplayer, delete C:\Program Files\get_iplayer, and 
install again.  The installer tries to remove any virtual store junk. 
After installation, *don't* do anything else - no new rtmpdump, etc. 
You don't need a newer version of rtmpdump, so take it out of the 
equation.  Now test the standard installation.

Also, don't copy options from the system options file 
(C:\ProgramData\get_iplayer\options) into your user options file, as you 
indicated.  It will break the next version of the installer.  From the 
list above, you only need radiomode and tvmode in your user options 
file.  Remove the rest after you've re-installed and checked that the 
system options file has been created.

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