WARNING: rtmpdump/flvstreamer 1.8 or later is required - please upgrade

conrad1on conrad1on at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Mar 8 16:49:41 EST 2013

Sorry about the relative lack of info in my previous message; in my defence, this was a problem I encountered at very much the wrong end of my day, and I think I was probably more preoccupied with remembering how to successfully post a message here anyway.

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium (Service Pack 1)
get_iplayer version: 2.82

I get my copy of get_iplayer from the Windows download link on the front page here, and the copy of RTMPDump I tried was from here: http://www.videohelp.com/tools/RTMPDump. I installed it over the existing RTMPDump files in the get_iplayer folder in Program Files (x86).

Here's a copy of my options from the .get_iplayer folder in my own Windows User folder:

output C:\Users\<username>\Downloads\Get iPlayer Downloads
mmsnothread 1
nopurge 1
mplayer .\MPlayer\MPlayer-1.0rc2\mplayer.exe
lame .\LAME\lame.exe
ffmpeg .\FFmpeg\ffmpeg-0.8-win32-static\bin\ffmpeg.exe
vlc .\VLC\vlc-1.1.11\vlc.exe
flvstreamer .\RTMPDump\rtmpdump.exe
atomicparsley .\AtomicParsley\AtomicParsley\AtomicParsley.exe
radiomode iphone,flashaudio,flashaachigh,flashaacstd
tvmode flashvhigh

I've reinstalled get_iplayer twice now, but I'm still getting the same issue. I assume this is localised to just me, given the lack of other people chiming in claiming to have the same problem, but I'm damned if I know what might have caused it.

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