Any Ideas?

infradeadgetiplayer at infradeadgetiplayer at
Wed Jun 2 16:48:28 EDT 2010

>Ian, it appear that the BBC changes to add a few blank lines in the mp4.
>i.e. now its 640x372 instead of 640x360. This causes playback issues for
>at least AppleTV and XBMC on XBOX. The problem appears to be there for
>all modes flashstd and better. The new flashlow mode strangely does not
>have these extra lines and therefore plays back OK. iphone mode is also

Not sure if this is of any use to anyone, but I'm using this script to
open videos in VLC.
So far it only checks for 640x372, in which case it crops down to

set -x

  # iPlayer videos at 640x372 should be cropped to 640x360
  # grep -o returns the part of the string matching the pattern
  VHEIGHT=$(ffmpeg -i "$1" 2>/dev/stdout | grep Video: | grep -o
  '[0-9]*x[0-9]*' | grep -o '372')


if [ "$VHEIGHT" = "372" ]; then
  vlc --vout-filter crop --crop-geometry 640x360+0+0 --fullscreen "$1"
  vlc --fullscreen "$1"

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