Newbie FC 5 test 3 PPC help and first impressions.

Brian Durant RoadTripDK at
Thu Feb 23 11:26:01 EST 2006

On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 13:08 +0000, David Woodhouse wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 14:03 +0100, Brian Durant wrote:
> > That would be nice as I got some errors when I ran "yum update", but 
> > until I figure out how to share a Thunderbird profile between Rawhide 
> > and OS X, I have to transfer the text files with the error messages 
> > between the two systems by using my USB stick.
> Linux can read and write OSX hfs+ volumes. I don't see why the
> Thunderbird profile shouldn't be fairly portable -- if you really need
> to _share_ it rather than just using the same config in both places,
> then you might be able to make it work if your userid is the same on
> both OSX and Linux.

OK, I just did a quick and dirty setup to get this sent off to you and
the list, by setting up Evolution. Here are the error messages that I
got when I did a "yum update":

Stopping sshd: [  OK  ]
Starting sshd: [  OK  ]
  Updating  : glibc                                              [
8/216]warning: /etc/ created as /etc/
  Updating  : glibc                                              [
8/216]warning: /etc/nsswitch.conf created as /etc/nsswitch.conf.rpmnew

/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.14062: line 8:
cd: /usr/lib64/firefox- No such file or directory
unzip:  cannot find or
open /usr/lib64/beagle/beagle.xpi, /usr/lib64/beagle/
or /usr/lib64/beagle/beagle.xpi.ZIP.
grep: beagle-extension/install.rdf: No such file or directory
mv: target `' is not a directory: No such file or directory
error: %trigger(beagle-0.2.1-11.ppc) scriptlet failed, exit status 1

warning: /etc/libuser.conf created as /etc/libuser.conf.rpmnew

warning: /etc/vimrc created as /etc/vimrc.rpmnew

I am also getting quite a number of errors at boot, after doing the "yum
update" command, but the system seems to still be running OK. I could
send those as well, but I don't know which log files I need to copy or
whether I can send them as attachments.



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