Newbie FC 5 test 3 PPC help and first impressions.

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at
Thu Feb 23 10:32:11 EST 2006

On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 16:27 +0100, Brian Durant wrote:
> I use IMAP for the most part as well, but I often get 50 e-mails per day 
> and have 20 local mbox folders as well as my 5 accounts and e-mail 
> filters, so... it would be nice to be able to run the same mail and get 
> the same results, regardless of whether I am booting from OS X or FC 
> Rawhide.

That one of the reasons why mail filtering is best done at the server
which actually receives the mail, rather than in the MUA. But we

You could probably get it working and sharing mailboxen between OSX and
Linux, with Linux using the HFS+ file system. I really wouldn't feel
happy with that myself; I'd just move the mailboxen onto another machine
elsewhere. It doesn't even need to run a public-facing IMAP server; all
my IMAP is IMAP-over-SSH anyway. Not sure if Thunderbird supports that
but many other MUAs do, and it wouldn't be hard to add.

> I also have a fairly large number of e-mails that I have archived from 
> when I have tried getting Linux to run on other systems, that I refer to 
> now and again. While OS X has a lot of eye candy and does what it does 
> pretty well, the *NIX underpinnings are under supported along with Fink 
> and different package bits, so I am hoping at some point to be able to 
> run my box only on Linux at some point.

I keep meaning to play with OSX, which is still installed on a small
partition of my PowerBook, but real life and real work keep getting in
the way -- it's just easier when it's running Linux.


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