Compiling barebox for newest Yocto/meta-freescale

Holger Schurig holgerschurig at
Tue Jun 23 07:07:21 PDT 2015

Look at barebox/arch/arm/Makefile. Around line 47 you see
"-msoft-float" specified to both CPPFLAGS and AFLAGS. So specifying
"CC=-msoft-hard" would bites with this.

Does compiling Barebox outside of Yocto work?  E.g. something like:

make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/home/schurig/d/mkarm/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.8-2014.04_linux/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-

(I'm using,
but you'd of corse specify your own prefix). Also note that my
compiler is gnueabiarmhf (hf is "hard-float"), but has not trouble
compiling in something with -msoft-float. Maybe your cross-compiler
cannot do that?

PS: despite I was once heavily involved into the early bitbake (during
OpenEmbedded time), I stopped using it. I now run Debian on my i.MX6
and don't fuzz with bitbake/OE/Poky/Yocto anymore :-)

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