lcd clock

Juergen Beisert jbe at
Mon Apr 11 08:19:27 EDT 2011

Vanalme Filip wrote:
> Is there any specific reason why the (i.MX27) LCDC clocks are disabled in
> imxfb_probe() (drivers\imx.c) ?
> #ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_IMX27
> #endif
> I would have expected the clocks to be enabled in that routine.
> I'm experimenting a little with Barebox's 'bmp' command. Although the
> command did not return any error, I did not have any output on my lcd. Then
> I noticed that the LCDC clocks were not enabled. If the clocks were not
> enabled by default in the probe function, I would expect the enabling in
> the bmp command code, e.g. with FBIO_ENABLE ioctl command. But, as far as I
> can see, FBIO_ENABLE is not executed in the bmp command code.

Try within barebox


This should enable the LCD controller on demand.


Pengutronix e.K.                              | Juergen Beisert             |
Linux Solutions for Science and Industry      | Phone: +49-8766-939 228     |
Vertretung Sued/Muenchen, Germany             | Fax:   +49-5121-206917-5555 |
Amtsgericht Hildesheim, HRA 2686              |  |

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