Support for Symantec VIP Access.

Daniel Lenski dlenski at
Tue Jan 19 13:58:00 EST 2021

On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 7:58 AM Fung Chai Lim
<fungchai.lim at> wrote:
> sudo openconnect -v \
>     -u USER-NAME \
>     --protocol=anyconnect \
>      --token-mode=totp \
>     --token-secret=base32:SECRET-FROM-DOT-VIPACCESS \
>     --csd-user=nobody \
>     --csd-wrapper=/usr/lib/openconnect/ \
>     --setuid=nobody \

No need for the `--csd-user` and --setuid` options here, since the script doesn't actually invoke the Trojan binary, but
that's fine.

> I think I need to add the --certificate and --sslkey flags.  What are
> the syntax for them?  I have managed to extract my personal credential
> from my Windows laptop.  It is a pfx file.  How do I extract the
> public and private keys for the -c and -k flags?

OpenConnect should be able to use .pfx files directly. The extension
.pfx is Microsoft's extension for the PKCS#12 certificate+key storage
format; it's equivalent to .p12.

The .pfx file will normally contain *both* the certificate *and* the
corresponding private key. (You only need the additional -k/--sslkey
option if the PK is in a separate file.)

Just add `-c /path/to/file.pfx` to the command line, per the manual:

  Use SSL client certificate CERT which may be either a file name or,
if OpenConnect has been built with an appropriate version of GnuTLS, a

> With the above command, I am able to access 2 or 3 of my company's
> portals with Microsoft Edge (Linux version).  For the other portals, I
> get the error message "<server> refused to connect".  Also, I am not
> able to log into my account with Microsoft Teams (Linux version).  I
> think I need the public/private keys to authenticate myself for those
> portals.

Have you tried importing the certificate+key into the appropriate
browser or application? Many applications can consume PKCS12/.p12/.pfx
certs directly. If not, try converting the cert+PK to the PEM file
format, which is even more widely-accepted.


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