Embedded device using ARM7TDMI -- where to start ?

Pascal Dupuis Pascal.Dupuis at uclouvain.be
Thu Oct 1 08:40:22 EDT 2009


As a new member, let me introduce myself : I have a background in
measurement, data modelling, statistics. I'm involved in research
projects where the link between the physical sensors and acquisition
systems is performed by local, low-power microcontrollers in close
vicinity of the sensors.

I'm evaluating the option of using an embedded device built around an
ARM7TDMI core. I looked at the uClinux site, and noticed the ARM7TDMI
port is no more available. In linux-2.6.30, under arch/arm, there are
a few references to 7TDMI. So I tried 'make menuconfig ARCH=arm', but
didn't figure how to reach the right options, as I didn't find a way
to activate the NOMMU kernel option. The question is thus how to
generate the kernel config for this specific processor ?


Pascal Dupuis

Dr. ir. Pascal Dupuis, assistant de recherche / research assistant
U.C.Louvain EPL/ELEC/DICE :  http://www.dice.ucl.ac.be/
Batiment Maxwell; Place du Levant, 3; B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium
Tel. +32-10-47 22 74; Fax +32-10-47 25 98

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