[LEDE-DEV] can't install luci

Torbjorn Jansson torbjorn.jansson at mbox200.swipnet.se
Sun Oct 16 00:18:55 PDT 2016

On 2016-10-15 18:55, Matthias Schiffer wrote:
> On 10/15/2016 06:30 PM, Torbjorn Jansson wrote:
>> On 2016-10-15 17:39, Matthias Schiffer wrote:
>>> On 10/15/2016 05:19 PM, Matthias Schiffer wrote:
>>>> On 10/15/2016 05:04 PM, Torbjorn Jansson wrote:
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> i decided to give lede a try on one of my rasberry pi computers and i
>>>>> almost immediately ran into problems.
>>>>> opkg update works fine, but when i do:
>>>>> opkg install luci-ssl
>>>>> i get:
>>>>> root at lede:~# opkg install luci-ssl
>>>>> Installing luci-ssl (git-16.288.36935-1e1a706-1) to root...
>>>>> Downloading
>>>>> http://downloads.lede-project.org/snapshots/packages/arm_arm1176jzf-s_vfp/luci/luci-ssl_git-16.288.36935-1e1a706-1_all.ipk.
>>>>> Collected errors:
>>>>>  * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for
>>>>> luci-ssl:
>>>>>  *      luci-mod-admin-full *
>>>>>  * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package luci-ssl.
>>>>> i checked the url and luci-mod-admin-full is indeed missing.
>>>>> can someone explain whats going on and how to fix it?
>>>> Hi,
>>>> a recent patch caused the libnl-tiny build to fail [1], which in turn broke
>>>> a lot of other packages that directly or indirectly depend on it.
>>>> We're working on fixing this ASAP.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Matthias
>>> I've just had a closer look at the issue, it was caused by a dependency
>>> issue of our 2-phase build bot setup:
>>> Phase 2 tried to build the packages based on an outdated SDK version, as
>>> Phase 1 has not finished building the newest version the SDK yet. This
>>> broke some packages, as patches depending on SDK changes were added
>>> together with the SDK changes themselves.
>>> The issue will fix itself as soon as the build bots have finished the next
>>> round of builds. Sorry for the inconvenience!
>> and how often do the build bots rebuild things?
>> once a day?
> Phase 1 rebuilds are triggered for each master commit, but there are many
> targets and builds take some time. You can find the current build status on
> http://phase1.builds.lede-project.org/grid . Phase 2 builds can be seen on
> http://phase2.builds.lede-project.org/grid .
> The issue will disappear as soon as phase 1 has finished for your target
> (and thus produced a new SDK), and the next phase 2 build after that has
> finished, too. This should be done in less than a day.

phase 1 & 2 is done for my target in question (an rpi) but i suspect it 
was still done in wrong order or something because there is still lots 
of missing packages including those making luci-ssl work.

and by the way, yesterday i tried to install some kernel modules since 
they should not have been broken i think.
but it looks like the wifi driver kmod-rtl8192cu depended on hostapd.
how can a kernel module depend on a regular program?
it also the dependency doesn't appear to be there for all wifi modules.

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