How to modify wpa_supplicant to read a new SSID configuration parameter

Samitha Wijedasa samitha.wijedasa
Wed Jun 11 09:02:44 PDT 2014


I have introduce a new parameter
"snrtresld" to filter-out BSSIDs below a threshold from the
scan results before priority matching occurs. I have introduce it per
Network block basis (per SSID basis). Within wpa_supplicant I can
access this parameter in scan.c to filter the lower SNR BSSIDs now.
But now the supplicant always says "skip - SSID mismatch" even-though a matching SSID is there in resulting scan results after filtering. 

What are the files I need to edit when
introducing a new parameter ?

I edited, 

1. static const struct parse_data
ssid_fields[] of config.c and included { INT(snrtresld) },

2. Edited config_ssid.h and introduce
"int snrtresld";

with above modifications I can access
my new parameter from wpa_supplicant.conf files and remove the
BSSIDs, but above problem persists.
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