Making wpa_supplicant work with dhclient on Fedora

Pavel Roskin proski
Mon May 19 04:19:32 PDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 11:22 +0800, Reik Red wrote:

> Jar, could not agree more that wireless should work in text mode, and 
> not depend on some add-on code or post-boot action by KDE or Gnome or 
> what-have-you.

Yes, I tried NetworkManager in Fedora 9, and it's working fine as long
as I log in into GNOME.  The fundamental problem is, it's absolutely
unacceptable for anything I would ever want to access remotely.  One
reboot, and the communication is lost.  I know, dynamic IP is not ideal
for that, but there are ways work it around.

I agree that distros should try to keep the stuff integrated, but this
is too fundamental to leave it solely to the distros.  It seems to me
that several fixes are needed to make it all work reliably.  But the
first step is acknowledging the problem.

Next step it to formulate what a good DHCP client should (and should
not) do to play well with wpa_supplicant.

Pavel Roskin

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