Which wireless LAN PCI adapter for HostAP?

Tran Thanh Dinh dinh107
Mon Jul 24 03:08:01 PDT 2006


  I want to use HostAP on my desktop machine. I read
the README file and it says that I need a card based
on Prism 2/2.5/3 chipset. I was looking around online
and found this following list of cards based on Prism
2/2.5/3 chipset: 

  Finally, I found 2 PCI cards which are:
NETGEAR MA311 - Network adapter - PCI
But I couldn't find these 2 cards to buy. They seems
to be discontinued.

  Could you recommend me one compatible with HostAP
that I can still find at the market please?

  Thanks a lot for your help,
  Best regards,

Dinh Tran


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