wpa_supplicant authentication wpa_ie_len=0 problem

Michelasso qzerty
Fri Apr 14 07:42:54 PDT 2006

2006/4/14, Piotr Zawadzki <pzawadzki at polsl.pl>:
> Dnia pi?tek, 14 kwietnia 2006 14:53, Michelasso napisa?:

> You need WPA support both in card and wireless router.
> Probably your router does not support WPA or WPA is not configured.

I forgot to mention: my router supports wpa, and it is working
correctly when I use Windows XP on the same laptop.

> This means that card does not see Information Element in beacons so
> wpa_supplicant in convinced that network does not support WPA or WPA2.

That's the point, then; maybe it is a driver related problems of the
combination of ndiswrapper+broadcom 64 bit windows driver. When I use
windows, I use the 32bit version, so I cannot test directly if there
are some problems with it.

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