Hostapd on big endian systems

Chris Evans cwevans
Fri May 28 11:58:30 PDT 2004

I've seen posts about hostap(d) working on little endian systems, like 
x86 and arm.  I'm wondering if people have gotten it to work on big 
endian systems like powerpc?
  _.-|   |          |\__/,|   (`\      | Chris Evans
{   |   |          |o o  |__ _) )     |
  "-.|___|        _.( T   )  `  /      | cwevans at
   .--'-`-.     _((_ `^--' /_<  \      |
.+|______|__.-||__)`-'(((/  (((/      |  "Any technology distinguishable
                                       |  from magic, is not advanced
   Nika plays with a computer mouse    |  enough" -- Gregory Benford
       BY: Mike Rosulek                |

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