eap-tls, hostapd with XP client and linux client

Ulf Jakobsson fluffe
Fri Jun 4 00:13:44 PDT 2004

Jouni Malinen wrote:
> What kind of certificate are you using in the authentication server? To
> be more exact, does it include server authentication as one of the
> options?
Im not quite sure what you mean. I have basically followed this HOWTO to
make the certificates:

> If you cannot find out reason for the failure from the debug log, you
> can send me the eapol.log file, preferably with a matching hostapd debug
> log from the same attempt.
The last message seemed to be to big to be accepted, here are stripped
logs, I hope the essentials are still there for you.

I found this in the EAPLOG, could it be something?:
"EAPOL-Key for transmit key *NOT* received within 5 seconds in
EAPOL Failure: Fail Count = 3"

Thanks Jouni.
/Regards Ulf

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