Why mp4 or mp4.ts from identical installation?

Charles Bradshaw charles.bradshaw at ntlworld.com
Thu Feb 9 05:23:17 PST 2017

Hello List

I have, with some difficulty, installed ffmpeg 3.3.2 with the result 
that instead of  the .ts file I get an mp4. So progress. Unfortunately 
the file is almost 3.5 times the size, slow, lumpy and poorly synched, 
than the one I get from my Fedora install.

Some experimenting with --verbose reveals some interesting results. 
Unfortunately I can't post the details because the posts are being bounced.

To summarise: I copy the rtmpdump and ffmpeg commands from the Fedora 
traces and execute them on the CentOS command line. Simply using the 
original installed versions. I get a mp4.flv from rtmpdump and the 
expected mp4 from ffmpeg. Now the mp4 is back to the original (smaller) 

I conclude that the problem has nothing whatever to do with versions of 
ffmpeg or the missing AtomicParsley. To the contrary it it must be 
something to do with how get_iplayer evokes rtmpdump.

On thought came to me in the dark hours; The Fedora box is connected 
over a slow wifi link whereas CentOS has a hard wired Ethernet 
connection. I have no clue about rtmpdump yet. It seems that it is 
something subtle with get_iplayers invocation of rtmpdump where the 
problem lies.

Some assistance from someone with knowledge of the code would be helpful 
now. I am reasonably perl literate, but get\_iplayer is deep.

Thanks for your help, Charles Bradshaw

On 08/02/17 10:25, RS wrote:
> Have you tried installing v3.0 or v3.2.2 of ffmpeg as I suggested? 
> artisticforge has told you the CentOS installation does not have 
> ffmpeg installed.  ffmpeg cannot multiplex your file if it is not 
> installed.  In addition, some features of get_iplayer require v2.5 or 
> above of ffmpeg and some require v3.0 or above.  You can look at the 
> documentation to see which features those are.

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