GIP 2.95 reports as v2.83 in Linux Mint!!!

Alan Milewczyk alan at
Fri Jul 8 17:29:15 PDT 2016

On 06/07/16 13:36, artisticforge . wrote:
> hello
> login as you or at least get to your home directory ;
> cd
> tar -tzvf get_iplayer-2.95.tar.gz
> tar -xzvf get_iplayer-2.95.tar.gz
> you should now have in your home directory a directory named: get_iplayer-2.95
> cd ./get_iplayer-2.95
> ls -ls
OK done that, now what? As I understand it that extracts the files 
inside the archive. However, when I try to do a "sudo apt-get install 
get_iplayer" it tells me there is no package! :-(
> to discover where any other stray "get_iplayer/get-iplayer" may be do
> sudo find / \( -iname "*get_iplayer*" -o -iname "*get-iplayer*" \) -ls
> | tee find-stray-GiP
> depending on your system, number of hard drives, number of mounted
> filesystems, size of mounted filesystems
> this may take a long time.
Thanks for that, it confirms there is no version installed on my system, 
however if I try a "sudo apt-get install get-iplayer" after reading the 
package list, it installs v2.83!  I've done a Google search on "package 
list" but can't find anything relevant. Am I right in saying it searches 
the PPA? Is that because v2.83 was previously downloaded? In which case 
how do I remove that link?

Sorry for being obtuse but I'm struggling with this one.



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