Your message to get_iplayer awaits moderator approval

C E Macfarlane c.e.macfarlane at
Sun Nov 9 07:52:49 PST 2014

>     How about this in .profile?
>     alias get_iplayer="nice -19 get_iplayer"

I think ...

	alias gip='nice -n 19 get_iplayer'

... would be more correct(!), and also more convenient.

But the trouble is, I also sometimes like to run it in the foreground, if
I'm not expecting to be accessing the server as a client in the immediate
future, and I also have a, which cycles through lists of programme
names, etc, looking for things to download that match my interests, and
downloading them if the -g switch is given.

Also, I don't want the developers to lose sight of this:

>     The part of the program finding external programs has had to
>     be rewritten to use nice.

Even without nice, I think this aspect of it would be worth incorporating
into get_iplayer, because, at the moment, the various tests for external
program existence and versions are scattered throughout the code.  My patch
at least searches for all the external binaries up front  -  I think for the
future it would be a good idea to test for the versions there as well  -
and sets the bin->{name} variable either to the path to each, or to a null
string if it wasn't found.  Subsequent tests in the code for the external
binary are then replaced by tests to see if the variable is non-null.
Besides being more efficient by saving some duplicated calls, doing all such
work in one section leads to more modular and therefore more easily
maintained code.

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