Error from ffmeg - negative cts

batguano999 batguano999 at
Wed Jul 23 09:59:03 PDT 2014

>Could someone else try: 
>get_iplayer --mode=flashhigh --pid=b04bwmjg 
>and see what you get, please?

Yes, that programme won't mux to mp4 for me with FFmpeg.
Looks like it's corrupt.

"Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream 0: 640 >= NOPTS
av_interleaved_write_frame(): Invalid argument"

I've downloaded it again with --raw --force then muxed it with VLC instead.

It threw out a load of errors, but the mp4 file *seems to* play OK.

vlc -vv -I dummy "Hive_Alive_-_Episode_2_b04bwmjg_default.flv" --sout="#std{access=file,mux=mp4,dst='Hive_Alive_-_Episode_2_b04bwmjg.mp4'}" vlc://quit

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