Understanding Future Schedule, Refresh Cache, Exclude Programmes

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 07:15:15 EDT 2012

On 26/03/2012 23:35, MrArtist wrote:
> get the programme based probably on the PID (I presume), so no matter
> which region the programme is specified from, they are all in essence
> the same programme (via the PID).


> Maybe I'm doing it all wrong? I use the cache listings as my TV guide to
> see what's been on and then choose from to record/watch later.

Therein lies the problem.  The Web PVR Manager was only designed to be a 
search tool.  Even the full list without any exclusions is really just a 
search for everything on the iPlayer site.  It doesn't have a mode for 
browsing, where permanent exclusion lists might be useful to winnow down 
the listings.  I think the exclusion parameters were intended to refine 
individual searches so that PVR runs will only download the exact 
programmes of interest.

> I can however foresee a potential problem if I leave the program
> exclusions in. For instance, I record anything with "Doctor Who" in the
> title for my kids, but say one day the BBC make a programme called
> "Doctor Who's Weakest Link", then my programme exclusion list (which
> includes "Weakest Link") is going to reject that Doctor Who programme,
> or at least cause some feedback loop or other error?

This is the nub of the issue.  Searching and browsing are different 
activities.  I suppose you could add additional programme/channel 
exclusion lists to the Web PVR Manager that would only be used for 
browsing, though that sounds a bit confusing on its face.  They would 
have to be unique to the Web PVR Manager, though.  Even though it 
basically just drives get_iplayer itself, such an option wouldn't make 
sense for the command-line script.

A better solution might be to place all the permanent exclusions in your 
options file, though I've never tested such a large list of exclusions. 
  Settings in the options file will be respected by the Web PVR Manager 
when searching *and* when running your PVR list, since both operations 
just invoke the command-line script.  See my reply in your "Saved 
filename format..." thread for information about using the options file.

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