Smart naming of output files

Rob Dixon rob.dixon at
Sun Jul 29 07:08:32 EDT 2012

On 29/07/2012 09:13, J K.Eason wrote:
> In the same vein, I'd like to be able to get filenames without the PID
> and 'default' tacked on the end. It's a real pain having to rename them
> every time.

Hi John

You need to adjust the file-prefix option. By default it's set to

     "<name> - <episode> <pid> <version>"

and if all you want to do is remove the PID from the name you can just add

     --file-prefix "<name> - <episode> <version>"

to your command line.

If there is anything you want to make permanent then add it to your
preferences file using

     get_iplayer --prefs-add --file-prefix "<name> - <episode> <version>"

Use the --info option to see what information fields are available, and
note that you can add whatever characters you like between the fields.
You can also change the directory where the file is stored using the
--subdir-format option in the same way.



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