get_iplayer on imac

Roger Rabbit rr87654321 at
Mon Apr 30 06:36:46 EDT 2012

I've used get_iplayer on the Mac for years, works better than on Windows 
if you're comfortable with Unix scripting. Here's a dummie's guide to 
install it:

First though you need to install XCode 4.3 or later from the Mac App 
Store - it's free. Once installed you need to install its command line 

All the following is done in the Terminal command line:

(First install Homebrew, sorry no beer is involved!)
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(/usr/bin/curl -fksSL"

(Check the install)
brew doctor
(and follow any recommendations)

(Now install the packages)
brew install ffmpeg
brew install id3v2
brew install rtmpdump
brew install atomicparsley

(Install get_iplayer)
curl -O -L
tar xvfz get_iplayer-2.80.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin/ --strip-components 1 

Then just run get_iplayer as normal.

I've automated get_iplayer to automatically download and process 
programs I'm watching out for, that goes directly into iTunes. They run 
from crontab and are command line based, not GUI (if you're confortable 
with Unix/Perl scripting). I can supply the scripts if you'd like them.


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