Remuxing get_iplayer downloads to play on my TV

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at
Sat Apr 21 11:15:28 EDT 2012

On 21/04/2012 13:16, Jon Davies wrote:
> On 20 April 2012 15:35, Steve Champion<steve at>  wrote:
>>>> you may also find the the "command" option in get_iplayer useful - it
>>>> runs a command (or script) at the end of a download, and you can pass
>>>> "<filename>" as a parameter which is expanded by get_iplayer as the
>>>> name of the media file it's just downloaded.
>> This I will definitely look into! It would be nice to have anything I
>> download converted right away. This can work from the web interface, right?
> erm, er ... "from" I'm really not sure (I'm not a user of the web
> interface); "with" I don't see why not.

The web interface doesn't provide a way to enter the "command" option. 
  You could put it your options file, but then it will be applied to 
*every* download regardless of programme type. The web interface itself 
doesn't provide any means to override it for a particular programme. 
Unless you want to transcode every download without exception, your 
"command" option would need to reference some sort of script that 
determines which files should be transcoded based on, e.g., programme 
type, file extension, etc., before running ffmpeg.  If you only 
transcode files occasionally, it might be simpler to just set up a 
profile in WinFF or Super-C and use one of those applications to process 
your files.

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