mesh point and ap mode on same interface

Peter Oh peter.oh at
Fri Oct 6 11:18:29 PDT 2017

I have tried t bring up the ap interface with iw / hostapd,
>> after joining the mesh.
>> When I start the second interface, rtnetlink responds with
>> device or resource busy.
If you give more details of your steps, people may help you more.
Btw, did you create a 2nd interface on the same radio and change the mac 

> IBSS + AP works on the CT firmware/driver, at least,
> but our CT 10.1 (988x) firmware does not support MESH at this point.
> I think I had to modify the driver to relax the valid combinations check,
> and possibly the stock firmware cannot handle that.
> Maybe someday we'll support MESH on 988x, but to date, there has not been
> a lot of interest...
> Thanks,
> Ben

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