[PATCH 3/7] debug: use printk() instead pr_debug()

Eugene Krasnikov k.eugene.e at gmail.com
Thu May 16 10:33:50 EDT 2013

But if let's say problem is on the border of WCN36XX_DBG_SMD and
WCN36XX_DBG_DXE. To enable both will spam the log a lot but using
dynamic debug it is possible to disable certain functions that are not
needed for problem investigation. That's why dynamic debug is really

2013/5/16 Kalle Valo <kvalo at qca.qualcomm.com>:
> Eugene Krasnikov <k.eugene.e at gmail.com> writes:
>> Why not to use dynamic debug? it has more flexibility let's say i want
>> to enable or disable debugging only in specific function. How would
>> you do that with this implementation?
> To me the problem with dynamic debugging is that it's either too fine
> grained (line level) or too vast (file level). When working with
> wireless drivers most of the time you need something in-between.
> So instead of enabling a certain debug message you enable certain log
> level (or levels) related to the task at hand. For example, when trying
> to debug a tranmission stall you would most likely enable
> WCN36XX_DBG_DXE and WCN36XX_DBG_TX (0x41) using the debug_mask module
> parameter, or any other level combination you want.
> --
> Kalle Valo

Best regards,

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