[Pcsclite-muscle] Simulating a CCID reader in software?

Michael StJohns mstjohns at comcast.net
Mon Oct 2 10:33:46 PDT 2023

On 10/2/2023 12:46 PM, Ludovic Rousseau wrote:
> My goal is to be able to simulate a CCID reader in software so that I
> can control what the "reader" sends and to connect this physically to
> a computer.
> I was thinking of using a Raspberry Pi to execute Frank Morgner's "USB
> CCID Emulator" and connect the Raspberry Pi to a computer USB port.
> I will have to find a male-male USB cable.
> If I understand correctly what "USB CCID Emulator" does it should work.
> I am open to other ideas :-)
> Bye
NXP has the code for an I2C to CCID bridge to allow the use of normal 
CCID/PCSC interactions to their SE050 chips.  The devkit (MCUExpresso) 
for the board mentioned in the link below has the source code for the 
bridge.  It's under the SE_hostlib_examples as the se VCOM device in the 
K64f sdk.


This might be a good base to start from.  The code is written for an NXP 
K64F, which is ARM M4 based.  The particular board I worked with had 
Arduino compatible connections.

It's not exactly what I think you were asking about, but I would think 
you'd need to add a smart card emulator on the back end as well - or at 
least play around with the RAW interfaces.

Later, Mike

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