Meta packages for wireless

Robert Marko robimarko at
Wed Sep 6 11:48:54 PDT 2023

On Wed, 6 Sept 2023 at 20:22, Philip Prindeville
<philipp_subx at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was reading through some of the online documentations as I try to bring up a 5G modem w/ Verizon and modemmanager, and bounced between various settings (it's a Quectel EM120R-GL modem for the moment until something better arrives), trying to decide if I wanted to use QMI or MBIM, if I should use the "qui" protocol directly or "modemmanager" instead... And thought it would be nice to have 2 or 3 groups of meta packages that you select and the rest gets taken care of for you by dependencies.
> In particular:
> Talks about kmod's and user-space tools necessary for QMI, different packages necessary for MBIM, and then what's needed for NCM (anyone still using that or 3G)...
> General debugging tools like minicom so you don't need to use "echo" or "socat"...
> Before I start on the effort (shouldn't take more than a couple of hours), does anyone object to the project (or conversely, is anyone willing to review and sign-off on it)?

I would find this rather useful, to have meta-packages for modems
instead of having to select everything manually.
I am working on RM520N-GL support at work (For QSDK, dont ask why) and
I am not sure whether I want to use the mess called Quectel CM(Vendor
tool) or modemmanager.

> Eckert: thanks for the quick turnaround on the MBIM-disabled issue when building modemmanager...
> If anyone is wondering, no, I still don't have wireless up... not sure if that hardware is in a weird persistent state (a lot of settings get saved to NVRAM) or if modemmanager doesn't handle certain corner cases (although Verizon on a Quectel EM120R-GL using QMI would seem to be pretty mainstream).  Please reach out to me if you have any troubleshooting suggestions, and I'll update the docs appropriately when I'm done.
> Thanks,
> -Philip
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