Meta packages for wireless

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx at
Wed Sep 6 11:20:56 PDT 2023

Hi all,

I was reading through some of the online documentations as I try to bring up a 5G modem w/ Verizon and modemmanager, and bounced between various settings (it's a Quectel EM120R-GL modem for the moment until something better arrives), trying to decide if I wanted to use QMI or MBIM, if I should use the "qui" protocol directly or "modemmanager" instead... And thought it would be nice to have 2 or 3 groups of meta packages that you select and the rest gets taken care of for you by dependencies.

In particular:

Talks about kmod's and user-space tools necessary for QMI, different packages necessary for MBIM, and then what's needed for NCM (anyone still using that or 3G)...

General debugging tools like minicom so you don't need to use "echo" or "socat"...

Before I start on the effort (shouldn't take more than a couple of hours), does anyone object to the project (or conversely, is anyone willing to review and sign-off on it)?

Eckert: thanks for the quick turnaround on the MBIM-disabled issue when building modemmanager...

If anyone is wondering, no, I still don't have wireless up... not sure if that hardware is in a weird persistent state (a lot of settings get saved to NVRAM) or if modemmanager doesn't handle certain corner cases (although Verizon on a Quectel EM120R-GL using QMI would seem to be pretty mainstream).  Please reach out to me if you have any troubleshooting suggestions, and I'll update the docs appropriately when I'm done.



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