[VOTE] Endorse the creation of OpenWrt One

Sander Vanheule sander at svanheule.net
Wed Jan 24 07:57:22 PST 2024

Hi John,

On Wednesday, 17 January 2024, John Crispin wrote:
> OpenWrt One will be a wireless networking device designed for free and 
> open source software enthusiasts, encouraging people to tinker with and 
> learn about embedded development and Linux networking.
> OpenWrt One is intended to benefit OpenWrt as the project shall receive 
> a share of the revenue for each unit sold.
> Our intent is to build a unit with OpenWrt friendly hardware 
> specifications which makes it well supportable and serves as a potential 
> role model for manufacturers - it will receive the same level of 
> community support as other OpenWrt capable devices, there will be no 
> priority tier, no paid support channels and no dedicated OpenWrt 
> flavours or similar. The device support shall be fully upstreamed into 
> vanilla OpenWrt.
> OpenWrt One is a private voluntary initiative led by me (John Crispin). 
> The initial R&D cost for the ODM design is privately paid for by me, 
> without utilising any OpenWrt funds. I will not be making any profit 
> from this. To reduce liabilities, time to market and burden on 
> individual developers or the project as a whole, I propose to co-develop 
> the OpenWrt One PCB together with the ODM behind the Banana Pi 
> community. The OpenWrt One will reuse design aspects as well as the form 
> factor of existing Banana Pi PCBs and enclosures.
>   OpenWrt One is *not* intended to be:
>    - A contender for commercial off-the-shelf Routers or APs.
>    - A wired router achieving gigabit NAT speeds
>    - A bleeding edge Wi-Fi 6e/7 access point
>    - A Network Attached Storage device
>    - A high speed ethernet switch
> The "One" rather aims to be:
>    - As open as possible and fully compliant with all copyleft and other 
> FOSS licenses it uses
>    - An educational platform for tinkering with/learning about open 
> hardware and Linux
>    - A way to donate to the OpenWrt project while receiving a nice 
> gadget in return
>    - Provide expansibility through mikroBUS, GPIOs and PCI/e M.2
>    - Software unbrickable and easily recoverable without additional means
>    - The satisfaction of achieving an overdue personal objective

+1 from me as well. Go for it!


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